Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Training Plan

In my obsessive-compulsive way, I successfully checked out several books about running marathons from my local library. I love books. I really do. The ones that have helped the most so far are Marathon: You Can Do It by Jeff Galloway and The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women: Get Off Your Butt and On With Your Training by Dawn Dais. The book by Dawn Dais has had me laughing so loudly that I wonder if my upstairs neighbor can hear me! Her take on running is definitely from that of someone who doesn't do it for fun. I will have to share some quotes, as they are worth sharing! And Jeff Galloway, well, what can I say? I think the man is a running genius! Seriously, I'm pretty sure that he was the first person to implement the run/walk method. This is extremely important to me, because I want to run injury free. My body is very important to me. I like being active, I like being able to do downward dog, I like being able to do somersaults with my nieces, and I like to be able to walk. It is imperative to stay injury free.

I'm using the Galloway Run/Walk method to train, and my focus is to finish. It is difficult to listen to all of the experts, because I really want to be able to do a 10 minute mile today. Not in 3 or 4 months, today! So, I'm working on following the suggestions from those that have experience. One of those suggestions is that first timer's focus on finishing, not a time goal. With this said, I'm running, which is more of a jog right now than a run, at a pace that is pretty comfortable for me. I use comfortable loosely, since running doesn't necessarily feel comfortable.

I will try to catch you up to date without writing a novel. Last week I walked a few times on the treadmill and I organized a walk at Sand Run Park this past Saturday for a 3 mile hike. We ended up hiking for an hour and 35 min. I think we actually did 4 or 5 miles, but that's okay. It was great to have support with friends and have people to talk to. Let me also stress how great it was to be in the woods! We saw live chipmunks(unfortunately, dead ones too.)

The plan will be to do 30 min. run/walk - two times a week(Mon/Wed) and then do my long run on Saturday. According to Galloway, this is what I'm supposed to do. No more, no less! This is so hard for my over-acheiving and addict mind. I already had to talk myself out of running more than that on Monday. So this past Monday, I did a 10 min warm-up, stretched my major muscles, then completed my 30 min. I finished with a 20 min. walk to cool down. It's amazing how much one can sweat, and how hot I got. It went good. Nothing hurt while I was running, and I even did 10 min. of crunches when I was done. I also am listening to the info about making sure you are hydrated and eating properly. I don't think that I've had a diet soda in over 8 or 9 days. This is a record. For those of you who know me well, I heart diet soda. My heart may not heart diet soda, but I do.

I did go to my Free Akron Yoga class last night. It was wonderful to do yoga in a group and see all of my amazing yogi friends! What a great community! It was difficult because I have a wrist injury that makes Chataranga(Plank Pose) pretty close to impossible. And we are preparing for the 108 sun salutations that will be done at the Summer Solstice event in the CVNP that is in 13 days. But I modified and it still felt good. I love the positive energy and that people aren't afraid to laugh. Oh, and my wrist is surely not strong enough for crane pose. It is when you balance on both of your hands flat on the ground, and rest your knees on the back of your elbows. Apparently, Carrie has a book that says it's easy. Google it and you will see just how easy it looks! Anyways, it's nice to be able to notice how much strength I have, even though I haven't been practicing regularly. And where I have strength, I really do need to keep practicing to become more flexible again.

This morning, I got out of bed at 6:54 am. I had set my alarm for much earlier then that, but it never went off. It never went off because although I changed my alarm time, I didn't turn my alarm on! My higher power is pretty great, because I still woke up at 6:50. That is a very cool thing to me. I'm not typically a morning person. But the more healthy stuff I do for myself, the more I am a morning person. So, drank a glass of water, ate a tablespoon of almond butter, and drank about 1/2 cup of bolthouse green goodness juice, then I got dressed and walked over to the Natatorium. I did about 8 min. walking warm-up, stretch, then got on treadmill #1 for my 30 min. walk/run. I had to stop two times. Once, to go to the bathroom and then again to drink more water from fountain. Really, I am amazed by the sweating! I can't remember the last time I actually had sweat dripping from my face. Not counting the breaks, I did 2.1 miles. Monday, I did about 1.75 in my 30 min walk/run. I know it's not much of an increase, but it's something. And I will certainly take it. I did the same crunches routine that I did on Monday. I cut my cool-down walk to about 8 min. because I had to go to the bathroom again.

Today I realized two big things. One is that I really prefer music to Law and Order while running. I finally brought my iPod with me to the gym today. I don't have cable at my apartment, and I love Law and Order, so typically when walking it's great to be able to watch USA channel. But what a difference listening to music makes! P!nk, Journey, Sheryl Crow, it was the perfect line up. Plus, I don't think that crime shows actually improve or add anything to my life, let alone my exercising. The second thing that I learned today is that I think my body will be able to handle this. It's my mind that concerns me. It's scarey to say that about my body because I feel like I have beaten up my body so much. But my mind didn't want to keep going like it did on Monday. I was able to implement some of the positive sayings that Galloway suggests in his book. I think his book has at least 3 chapters alone on the mental aspects of the marathon. So, I may be re-reading those again. I could definitely use some positive brainwashing, as he calls it.

I also reminded myself today that I was only doing my run today. I kept re-directing my thinking from the half marathon to today. And for today, I have completed my training. I get a little stiff if I sit too long. But other than that, nothing in my body is on fire. Well, except for maybe my spirit. I haven't felt this alive and healthy for a while. I'm hoping to be able to do some stretching again before I go to bed to help with the soreness.

Stay tuned to see how my 4 miler goes on Friday.

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