For some reason, I was really procrastinating on doing my 30 min. walk/run today. I didn't do it when I woke up, so I just kept finding reasons to put it off. I laid down and took a nap until 5:30 pm, because I could. I laid there remembering - An object/person at rest wants to stay at rest, an object/person in motion wants to stay in motion. I need to get off my futon and start moving around and then I would be able to keep moving, right? I got up, got my gym clothes on, grabbed my iPod and gym pass. Off to the gym I go.
I still was not pumped to be doing my walk/run today. I walked past the outdoor yoga class. I didn't even know they did yoga outside! That is exciting, I will have to remember this for the future. I warmed up, turned on my music, stretched and got on my treadmill (#1 is my favorite. It doesn't feel right when I have to be on any other treadmill.) I kept telling myself, it's only 30 min. I can do this. I've done it before. It's only 30 min. I was slower today than last Thursday, but I increased my speed a little bit. I probably shouldn't have increased it, because it made me slower with my walking time. My walking speed stayed the same, but I needed longer to catch my breathe with walking. Either way, I did 2 miles in 30 while walk/jogging.
I also used this as a chance to practice my positive brain talk. Today's main ones were - I can, I will, I am. And I'm benefiting from every step. Also, short strides give me strength. It was wonderful today. I saw someone I knew running on the track. I didn't know he was runner, so seeing him gave a boost. Then when he went around, waved and smiled, it was the energy boost I needed to propel me past the half way mark of my run. It was so nice to have that unexpected "coincidence"!
So, I made it through without any bathroom breaks. I got to hear "Don't Stop Believing" and "I will Survive", still two of my favorite songs. I slowed down for my cool off period, and felt tired but not exhausted. Then I stepped off my treadmill to get a towel to wipe down. Then I felt lightheaded. It was the first time that ever happened. I think it had to do with my food. I hadn't eaten since 1:30/2, and here it was 6:30pm. So, I should probably make sure I that I eat when I'm supposed to, because I don't want to have to worry about my blood sugar dropping like that again! I kept walking on the track after that, thinking that maybe I wasn't cooled down enough. But I just felt too tired. So I stretched and went straight home to eat.
I felt much better after eating. I also got a sign up form to be able to the Stow Firecracker 4 mile run on the Fourth of July. I'm looking forward to doing a mini-race. I feel pretty neutral about my run today. I was pretty tired from all my activities over the weekend, so maybe that had something to do with it. I will have another go at it on Wednesday.
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