Friday, February 7, 2014

My Journey Continues

It has been close to a year since I have regularly practiced yoga or swam. It has been over 2 years since I have ran. My body knows it. My stress knows it. My anxiety knows it. My lack of center shows. My joints ache.

Even with all of this, I have been unable for the last three weeks to change my routine.  I want to. I am praying for the willingness to start again. I have reached out to people who have worked on this very thing.  I am trying to be patient with myself. I am doing my best to not beat myself up so much. I don't think I am being so successful with that.

I was told I need to believe that I am worth it. Believe that I deserve the freedom and joy that this way of life can bring me. Please universe send me this willingness to make small changes!
